WLJT Young Writers Awards

Congratulations to the students who received the WLJT 2018 Young Writers and Illustrators Awards. The Dyer County School System was well represented. Way to go Choctaws!
Runner-Up: Weston, Sugar's Story, Holice Powell School, Dyersburg
First Place: Clare, Unicorn World, Holice Powell School, Dyersburg
1st grade:
Runner-Up: Silas, The Ninjas, Holice Powell School, Dyersburg
First Place: Caylee, The Moth and the Firefly, Holice Powell School, Dyersburg
2nd grade:
Runner-Up: Cooper, Dear Abraham Lincoln, Fifth Consolidated School, Dyersburg
First Place: Kierra, A Small Horse Named Bolt, Holice Powell School, Dyersburg
3rd grade:
Runner-Up: Annabelle, Jeannie Graffiti - Painting the World A Brighter Color, Greenfield
Elementary, Greenfield
First Place: Austin, Adventures of the Amazing Cowboy, Caywood Elementary, Lexington
4th grade:
Runner-Up: Emma Grace, Zoey The Cheerleader, Holice Powell School, Dyersburg
First Place: Tyler, Don't Cut Down My Trees, Holice Powell School, Dyersburg
5th grade:
Runner-Up: Lukas, A Vacation of a Lifetime, Holice Powell School, Dyersburg
First Place: Kaden, Lost, Holice Powell School, Dyersburg